
HTG / HTE sensorchips

Compact HIS-TAG capturing (HTG)

The ProteOn HTG sensor chip features novel tris-NTA (3x NTA) complexes for improved capturing of polyhistidine-tagged proteins. This tris-NTA has a significant more stable interaction compared to the mono-NTA surface. The tris-NTA complexes are attached to a polymer matrix layer and are activated by injection of Ni2+ ions for capturing of polyhistidine-tagged proteins/ligands. The HTG sensor chip has a lower tris-NTA surface density and less nonspecific binding, making it most suitable for various applications including protein-protein and protein-peptide interactions.

Benefits include:

  • Improved binding capacity and stability due to the novel tris-NTA formulation
  • Reduced decay of ligand over time – ensures reliable results and no cumbersome software corrections needed
  • Capture of polyhistidine-tagged proteins directly from crude media, reducing work-up labor and required sample volumes
  • Enhanced efficiency and reduced costs due to surface regeneration ability, providing many ligand-analyte interaction studies on the same chip (typically >10 surface regeneration cycles are possible)
  • Surface regeneration combined with One-shot Kinetics technique yields exceptionally high throughput

Bio-Rad recommends using the ProteOn HTG and HTE reagent kit for optimal activation and regeneration of the HTG sensor chip. This reagent kit includes sufficient reagents for >80 activation and regeneration cycles. (1).

High density HIS-TAG capturing (HTE)

The ProteOn HTE sensor chip features novel tris-NTA (3 x NTA) complexes for improved capturing of polyhistidine-tagged proteins. This tris-NTA has a significant more stable interaction compared to the mono-NTA surface. The tris-NTA complexes are attached to an alginate matrix layer and are activated by injection of Ni2+ ions for capturing of polyhistidine-tagged proteins/ligands. The HTE sensor chip is most suitable for protein-peptide, protein-DNA, and protein–small molecule interactions.

Benefits include:

  • Improved binding capacity and stability due to the novel tris-NTA formulation
  • Reduced decay of ligand over time – ensures reliable results and no cumbersome software corrections are needed
  • Capture of polyhistidine-tagged proteins directly from crude media, reducing work-up labor and required sample volumes
  • Enhanced efficiency and reduced costs due to surface regeneration ability, providing many ligand-analyte interaction studies on the same chip (typically >10 surface regeneration cycles are possible)
  • Surface regeneration combined with One-shot Kinetics technique yields exceptionally high throughput

Bio-Rad recommends using the ProteOn HTG and HTE reagent kit for optimal activation and regeneration of the HTE sensor chip. This reagent kit includes sufficient reagents for >80 activation and regeneration cycles. (1).


(1) Bio-Rad Bio-Rad Website. (2012).


  1. ProteOn XPR 36 is not sold any more