
25 Years of SPR

25 Years Of SPR

Although the phenomenon of surface plasmon resonance (SPR) was known for a long time (see Wood; 1902), in 1990 Pharmacia Biosensor AB brought the first commercial SPR instrument to the market. For a long time, these so-called Biacore instruments set the standard in research using SPR. Nowadays we say that we do a Biacore experiment when we mean that we do a SPR experiment. Since then, the instruments have been evolved and several new manufacturers are selling SPR instruments with new features (SPR imaging: IBIS; Interaction Array: Bio-Rad; multi-parametric SPR: BioNavis ), new sensor chip types (alginate surface: Bio-Rad; hydrophilic SAM: Xantec; graphene surface: Sensia) and software wizards to guide the user.

The instruments are all in best shape and performing excellent. However, how is the user doing? Has he also developed with the instruments or is he struggling to keep up?